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"Children are born to become bilinguals and multilinguals. Too many are restricted to becoming monolinguals. No caring parent or teacher denies children the chance to develop physically, socially, educationally or emotionally. Yet we deny many children the chance to develop bilingually and multilingually"
(Colin Baker)
"negative cognitive and academic effects are hypothesized to result from low levels of competence in both languages or what Scandinavian researchers (e.g., Hansegard, 1967; Skutnabb-Kangas & Toukomaa, 1976) have termed 'semilingualism' or 'double semilingualism'"
(James Cummins)
"Ganz abgesehen von praktischen und theoretischen Erwagungen ist Zweisprachigkeit vielerorts in der Welt einfach Schicksal"
(Werner F.Leopold)



This is the page of the instructor and consultant for multilingualism in children Elena Tikhomirova. It's about multilingualism in Russian-speaking children, specifically Russian/German bilingualism. The primary objectives here are information and education. This site is intended for parents, educators and anyone else who takes an interest in multilingualism in children in Germany.

Readers interested in this subject are most often themselves multilingual, hence the use of translations. Names and titles are given in the original.

It is updated at the end of each month.



Holidays: July - August

русская школа "Грамота" (Монреаль)
Eine Seite über frühkindliche Zweisprachigkeit für Eltern, Pädagog/inn/en, Studierende, Fachleute (Dr. Anja Leist-Villis)
приложение к детскому журналу "Остров Там-и-тут" №2 (статья Е.Мадден)


2008, october: Zlatoust publishers has released the book by Elena Madden "Наши трёхъязычные дети".

Read the introductory chapter (PDF).
Read a sample chapter (PDF).
Read the author's comments and add your own.
Contact the publishers and the author..



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